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Building SPICE3 deb packages.

I know that SPICE3 is BSD software, and that it comes with the same
license as BSD, but I want to build a SPICE3 deb package so that I can
use it with Oregano from the unstable.

I've found some documentation on building deb packages out of SPICE3 at:


and have attempted to compile it. However, when I try to
dpkg-buildpackage I get an funky error. I'm not experienced with
building Debian packages and would apreciate some assistance from you
developpers out there.

This is what I get bashed with:

NodeFilter:/home/stef/SPICE3/spice-3f5# dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc
dpkg-parsechangelog: error: cannot open debian/changelog to find format:
No such file or directory
dpkg-buildpackage: unable to determine source package

I'm assuming that the error is related to dpkg-buildpackage. I beleive
that I need to create "debian/changelog" in order to compile this thing
as spice_3f5-1_i386.deb

Any thoughts?


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