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Re: character set??

On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 08:29:36PM -0700,
Dale Morris <dlm@well.com> wrote:
> I have a question about character sets. Currently I have my
> locale set to US IS0-8859-1. Should I edit this to use other
> locales, and if so, what locales should I use?

Should be fine.

> The problem I am experiencing is when I am using mutt to
> read email, and I receive a mail from Thomas Kohler (I think) it shows up as 
> From: Thomas K\366hler <jean-luc@picard.franken.de>.

Well, my name is "Köhler" (that's a German o-Umlaut). 
What you see here is that the octal value of the character (in
ISO-8859-1) is printed, so your mutt recognizes the quoted-printable
encoded From:-header correctly; it just doesn't seem to be able to show
the character. Seems that it thinks that there's no iso-8859-1 font
available (perhaps it thinks there's only us-ascii or something) and
thus plays this trick on the name in order to show you the name somehow.

> Same thing happens in Netscape on web pages.

Perhaps Netscape can't find iso-8859-1, too? Some fonts missing?

> I am using debian 2.2 linux

I use... ehm, sid aka unstable :)

> thanks


 Thomas Köhler Email:   jean-luc@picard.franken.de     | LCARS - Linux
     <><        WWW:     http://jeanluc-picard.de      | for Computers
                IRC:             jeanluc               | on All Real
               PGP public key available from Homepage! | Starships

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