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Re: how can I help?

Marco <marco.aurelio@linuxbr.com.br> wrote:
>I am not quite qualified to make something IMPORTANT to debian users, as 
>package/solutions development, but I can 'spray' the debian's name and 
>help on translating something to my primary language, portuguese.

Translations are great - try http://www.debian.org/international/ and
http://www.debian.org/international/Portuguese. There are also specific
parts of the distribution that are easily localizable, such as debconf
templates (http://auric.debian.org/~grisu/debian_translation/);
translating things like that is a valuable thing to do.

Oh, and you can always help people by answering questions on mailing
lists. :)

There are other things - surprisingly few people systematically test the
distribution before it's released, although it gets a great deal of
haphazard testing. If you have the hardware to do some new install and
upgrade testing of the prototype boot-floppies for woody, an awful lot
of people will thank you, as it's the main thing that tends to hold up
releases of Debian. See the debian-boot mailing list for more


Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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