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Re: what i've learned, and explanation.

Having dealt with Lusers for far longer than I care to think about 
I'm going to go ahead and give some opnions on the subject. 

>Other important questions are:
>* Specifically, _what_ are people entitled to?  Are they entitled 

>  demand that I spend my time catering to their needs?  Are they
>  entitled to be rude while doing it?  Are they entitled to be 

rude in
>  demanding that I spend my time catering to them when they have 

>  plans of contributing in any way?
The sad and simple fact are yes people do in fact think that. Many 
of them can not understand that on the lists, IRC or whatever that 
we are just a bunch of people who do this stuff cause we really do 
love it. Therefore many of them treat us the way that they treat 
their sys admins and support people. That is with the attitude fix 
my stuff, don't make me think or learn I just want it to work and 
to workt the way I think it should. Then they wonder why things 
never seem to happen as fast as it should *evil grin*. The simple 
fact is these people do not understand why techies (using that 
term in as broad a possible sense)are the way we are. They simply 
can not understand why we would want the exact wording of an error 
that means nothing to them. They are very concrete thinkers 
because the error means nothing to them it must mean nothing to 
everybody and because they know something everybody must know it. 
Just like a person today who was shocked and pissed off that I 
could not restore a file that had been on a HD that the hardware 
guys had taken away. In any case it comes down to the fact that 
these people never learn to think, reason, or imagine. I thought I 
had a point but it turned into a rant. It has been a long week at 
work. Sorry and thanks. :)  

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