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cucipop delays (was: qpopper weirdness)

an addendum... the delay is dependent on the mailbox size. if i POP to
an account with a small mailbox, it works like a jiffy. however, when
connecting to an account with a 16Mb mailbox size, it takes 20 seconds
before cucipop returns the login acknowledgement.


fishbowl:~> nc mail 110
+OK Cubic Circle's v1.31 1998/05/13 POP3 ready <c01a00003381cb3a@diamond>
user madduck
+OK madduck selected
pass *******************
  <20 seconds>

+OK Congratulations!

meanwhile, top reports the following (for 20 seconds).

6801 madduck 16  0  680  680 592   R    0   93.5 1.0  0:05 cucipop

seems weird to me... seems like cucipop is doing something beyond
parsing the 16Mb file...

> Are you sure this isn't the sync delay introdiced by syslog?  Does
> the log in question have a '-' in front of the name?

yes, by the above reasoning. the response from the POP server takes 20
seconds and is in sync with the tailf'd log file.

for you to test, i setup a test account. user poptest, p/w cucipop.
server mail.madduck.net and port 110. it's got 4 messages with 4Mb
attachments each:

-rw-rw----    1 poptest  mail     22684419 Apr  4 16:29 poptest

so a little more than 16Mb, meaning probably slightly longer than
20 seconds...

any help on how to eliminate this delay appreciated.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"a compliment is like a kiss through a veil."
                                                        -- victor hugo

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