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Re: Printing and some weirdness...

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 09:35:13AM -0800, Shannon Menkveld wrote:
> 	Printing system is lpd, printer is an HP DeskJet 612C.  I have
> absolutely NO idea what to put into the /etc/printcap file to allow this
> printer to work.  The Debian user's guide refers briefly to a tool called
> 'magic-something-or-other' (I am at work, so not sitting in front of the
> box), but it is not on disk 1, which is all I have.  Is there a tutorial or
> HOW-TO which tells how to write a printcap file for this printer?   any help
> would be appreciated.

you could add a deb-mirror to your /etc/apt/sources.list and get
magic-filter from the net. It's not that much, but makes live sooo
much easier.

> permissions are -r-xr-xr-x.  When I tried to run it from the CD-ROM, as
> root, I got a permission denied error.  If I copied the script to /root, I

If you look in /etc/fstab, you'l find a line like

   /dev/scd0       /cdrom  auto    defaults,user,noauto            0 2

in which you'll see "user".  This tells mount to allow mere mortals to
mount a cdrom, yet with restricted privelidges, like paying no
attention to device files nor to the x-flag on files on a cdrom. Some
argue that this increases the security of your machine, as it's now
impossible for a mere user to mount a cdrom with all kinds of evil
programs with root privs.

> I was under the impression that there is NOTHING that root cannot do on a
> GNU/Linux (or any Unix) system.  What is going on here?  In Mandrake and

you're right, you see, root can remount the cdrom with all the
privilidges he wants, mere mortals can only remount the cdrom with
those same restricted privelidges.

> RedHat, this did not happen, so what is different about Debian that would
> cause this?

In this case I think just the default content of /etc/fstab.

groetjes, carel

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