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Re: Is it possible to downgrade a Debian system from testing to stable?

>>>>> "Gavin" == Gavin Hamill <gdh@acentral.co.uk> writes:

    Gavin> On Sun, 4 Mar 2001, Dave Sherohman wrote:
    >> No, it won't.  When you run the dist-upgrade, apt will see that
    >> all packages on the system are already at least as new as those
    >> available (testing's version numbers are higher than stable's)
    >> and do nothing at all.

    Gavin> I thought that this was one of the new features of apt 0.5,
    Gavin> that it WILL downgrade when dists are changed? Maybe I
    Gavin> misheard/misinterpreted ://

with apt-get 0.5 you can have a /etc/apt/preferences file containing:

Package: *
Pin: release a=stable
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: *
Pin: release a=potato
Pin-Priority: 1001

(note: normally only stable should be used, but security.debian.org
uses the value potato).

and "apt-get upgrade" will downgrade everything (you might want to
prevent it downgrading apt though):

snoopy:~# apt-get upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages have been kept back
  gtkhtml iptables ldap-gateways ldap-utils libbonobo-dev libgtkhtml-dev
  libldap2 liboaf-dev liboaf0 liborbitcpp-dev liborbitcpp0
  libsasl-modules-nonus libsasl7 postfix-tls reiserfsprogs rproxy slapd
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED
  aalib1 apt apt-move bsdutils dia diskless e2fsprogs gcd gdk-imlib-dev gdm
  gedit gimp-data-extras gmc gnapster gnome-card-games gnome-faq gnome-games
  gnome-games-locale gnome-gataxx gnome-glines gnome-gnibbles gnome-gnobots2
  gnome-gnometris gnome-gnomine gnome-gnotravex gnome-gtali gnome-gturing
  gnome-gv gnome-iagno gnome-mahjongg gnome-media gnome-pim gnome-same-gnome
  gnome-stones gnome-xbill gnomeicu gnucash gnus gphoto gq grip
  gtk-engines-metal gtk-engines-notif gtk-engines-pixmap gtk-engines-redmond95
  gtop heimdal-clients-x heimdal-docs heimdal-kdc heimdal-servers
  heimdal-servers-x imlib-base imlib-dev imlib-progs imlib1 ksymoops
  libapt-pkg-dev libglade-gnome0 libglade-gnome0-dev libglade0 libglade0-dev
  libglib1.2 libglib1.2-dev libnss-ldap libpam-ldap libpisock3 libpopt-dev
  libpopt0 libxml-dev libxml1 maildrop mailman mc-common memprof modutils
  mount openldap-guide pan ppp tripwire util-linux xchat-common xchat-gnome
  xmms xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl 
4 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 86 downgraded, 0 to remove and 67  not upgraded.
Need to get 22.0MB/25.5MB of archives. After unpacking 36.2MB will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

which is a bit weird: upgrade or downgrade??? Of course it is
downgrade, but I typed in "upgrade".

It doesn't quite work when no version exists in stable, thats why it
is trying to upgrade 4 package here.

Also, recently I have started getting segmentation faults using -s,
but have filed a bug report.

If I understand correctly, the main problem with apt-get 0.5.0 is it
relies on the Release file to contain valid information. Often it is
wrong or "non-standard" for no good reason (eg potato vs stable as
mentioned above). This include security.debian.org (potato). Where
should I file bug reports?

I still need to investigate what is wrong here:

Inst heimdal-clients-x (0.2l-7 Debian:2.2/unstable)
Inst heimdal-docs (0.2l-7 Debian:2.2/unstable)
Inst heimdal-kdc (0.2l-7 Debian:2.2/unstable)
Inst heimdal-servers (0.2l-7 Debian:2.2/unstable)
Inst heimdal-servers-x (0.2l-7 Debian:2.2/unstable)

oh wait, thats from my local mirror, stored on /mirror. I better send
myself a bug report ;-).
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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