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Re: Potato and kernel 2.4

Oh, btw:

From: Adrian Bunk <bunk@fs.tum.de>
Subject: Packages for using kernel 2.4.x with potato
To:  <debian-release@lists.debian.org>
cc:  <debian-devel@lists.debian.org>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 10:49:26 +0100 (CET)

Since it seems noone has already done this: I'll set up an apt-able
archive with _all_ the packages someone might need when upgrading the
kernel to 2.4.x .  I hope I'll have it ready till Tuesday. I plan to

Upgraded packages:
- modutils
- util-linux
- e2fsprogs
- ppp
- pcmcia-cs

New packages:
- kernel sources and perhaps images
- devfsd
- iptables
- reiserfsprogs
- usbview and usbutils
- some ISDN packages
- perhaps linux-ntfs

I'll start with i386. I can also do this for other architectures if


A "No" uttered from deepest conviction is better and greater than a
"Yes" merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.
                -- Mahatma Ghandi

cool. :)

Moritz Schulte <moritz@chaosdorf.de> http://www.chaosdorf.de/moritz/
Debian/GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org/ http://www.gnu.org/
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