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Re: ALSA & missing symbols

Christopher Mosley <cmosley@voicenet.com> writes:
CM> Would you recommend any other kernels other than 2.4.0 as not being
CM> fjucked up?

I wouldn't trust 2.4.0, especially given that Linux kernels a.b.c for
c << 10 have historically had problems and that 2.4.1 is already out.
OTOH, I use 2.2.18 without problems here, including ALSA.

CM> Exactly how far must one go in the kernel configuration/compiling 
CM> process to create the include (<*.h>) files needed to compile the alsa 
CM> module source? 
CM> Or just more generally and to anyone, if you are going to have to compile
CM> a kernel to install alsa, which one would you choose.     

I would:

-- Download the 2.2.18 source from your favorite mirror.  Skip the
   Debian package for the kernel source.

-- Install the Debian alsa-source package.

-- Install the Debian kernel-package package and read its

-- Unpack the kernel source anywhere.  cd into the directory.  Use
   your favorite variant of 'make config' to configure it, and
   'make-kpkg' with appropriate arguments to build Debian packages of
   both the kernel and ALSA ('make-kpkg modules_image' works for me).

-- Install the resulting packages.  Reboot.

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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