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Re: Cannot get iptables to work in 2.4.1 and compiling question.

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> Hi,
> I get the error "command not found" when I type "iptables". I know I
> compiled every "net" option in the kernel (choosed y).  What am I
> doing wrong? Not much to go on, I know....

First, and hopefully most obvious question: is iptables installed?

> Also what does "make modules" do, does it create an image like "make
> bzImage"?


> I have 2 comps running linux at home: a 1Ghz t-bird and a p166.
> Compiling on the p166 is painfully long.

A P1-166 isn't that slow - I used to marvel at how fast one of those
things was :)

> I would like to compile everything on the 1Ghz and then transfer the
> bzImage and the "modules image" (if there is one, following make
> modules) to the p166 and make modules_install there. Is that possible?
> Or would I need to make dep on both comps, make bzImage on the 1ghz,
> transfer the image and make modlues and make modules_install on the
> p166?

What I usually do it make a kernel for the lowest common denominator (for
the P166) with the features each computer needs *at boot time* to get the
root fs, and take care of everything else with loadable modules.

I usually copy over the bzImage, and make a tar of
/lib/modules/<kernelversion>, copy the tar to the other computer, and
extract the modules in the right place..

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche				    pbrutsch@tux.creighton.edu

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