Re: 'S' permissions -- in home dir?
Lo, on Monday, January 15, Thomas J. Hamman did write:
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 03:11:53AM -0600, Rob VanFleet wrote:
> I have a related question: How come almost every file in my home
> directory has s or S permissions set? Even if I change them to x, I
> find later on that they have mysteriously changed back to s/S again.
Hm. If the perms on a directory are 2755 (drwxr-sr-x), then any *new*
directories created within this directory should also have the setgid bit
on. This should not affect normal files or directories in existence when
the setgid bit was first turned on.
(Any new filesystem object, whether file or directory, should be owned by
the same group that owns the directory, but that's not what you're asking
How are you going about changing them from s/S to x?
chmod g-s foo
should do it.
If that is what you're doing, then I've no idea. Perhaps some sort of cron
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