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Re: X Window Manager

I've just install (yesterday) uwm and found that it created a softlink from
/usr/doc/uwm to /usr/share/doc/udm, so the documentation is easily findable on
my system.

Anyway, I'm really glad I read this list otherwise I'd have never come across
uwm. It really is excellant. If you're bored by the similarities between
Windows and some of the other window managers, and are finding your system is a
little slow and you are changing themes every other day because you basically
don't like them, then give uwm a go - it takes practice to get used to it, but
it really is wonderful.

Thanks to people for mentioning it! One happy user here!


On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 09:22:32 -0600, Lance Simmons said:

> There's good documentation for uwm in /usr/doc/ude/. It explains
>  exactly how to use and modify uwm.
>  The documentation is in the ude directory because uwm ("Unix Window
>  Manager") is part of the planned ude ("Unix Desktop Environment")--so
>  far as I know, it's the only part of ude that's currently usable.
>  ude is hosted at sourceforge, and one of the message boards there says
>  they're working on gnome compatability, so perhaps the plan has changed
>  from having a complete desktop environment to having a _great_ window
>  manager that can eventually be used with gnome.
>  If documentation was the only thing keeping you from trying uwm, I
>  hope you'll give it another try.
>  Lance Simmons
>  On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 07:28:39AM -0500, Carl Fink wrote:
>  > 
>  > If anyone else is looking to try it, keep in mind that there's no man
>  > page, no documention gets installed in /usr/doc, and no documentation
>  > of the program at its home page, meaning you'll have to read the
>  > source or something to figure out how it works.
>  -- 
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