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Re: Questions i can't answer


The pseduo-image-generator works fine under linux.  The only time I
tried to use it on Windows (at a friends' house), it did keep on dying
for me as well and it was horribly slow.  I tended to believe that
this was confined to its operation on that platform.

You can always buy pre-stamped disks including Debian.  I've, in the
past, used linuxmall.com, which often sells them for somewhere around
$2 per distro plus s/h (also can get FreeBSD, etc. there).  People on
this list have mentioned cheapbytes as another source.

On your other questions, I'd stick with Debian if I were you and
encourage you to consider the benefit of a separate partition for
/usr/local (for your personally-compiled binaries).

One of the best intro books to linux that I've ever seen is:

LINUX, Second Edition: Installation, Configuration, and Use
by Michael Kofler

Explains concepts behind many key programs in a typical linux distro,
outside of core linux: including emacs, vi, TeX, LaTeX, Gimp, Apache,



> Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 12:32:43 -0500
> From: "Carson Christian" <cscade@planexus.com>
> To: "Debian User List" <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
> Subject: Re: Questions i can't answer
> I have tried using the pseudo-image-generator to no avail. it never manages
> to download everything, not to mention it takes forever. using different
> mirrors does not seem to help. i've even diabled my firewall to help
> facilitate it.
> Is there a location from which i can download the full, already built ISO?
> Also: What would the advantage of starting with SuSe be? Is it just simpler?
> Thanks

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

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