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The truth about PSM and other XPI's

I have been playing with Mozilla (the one that comes with debian) and I 
seen lots of postings about different issues with it. Since I have been 
to work around some of them, I thought I might help. 

The thing is the default permissions for /usr/lib/mozilla are too tight.
Mi solution was simply to give it all the permissions it wants (of 
NOT setuid). Now the other thing is that Mozilla wont download the
X-install packages himself. You have to do it for him. That means using
wget to fetch the xpi file (this is also valid for themes). 

So now you can have Mozilla running PSM and your favorite theme.

What would be useful:

Could somebody tell us what the right permissions are?

I tried all this with the Java plugin from sun (yes, I am brave)
I had done this with Mozilla on my previous distro and it had worked,
but now, even though Java seems to be installed, no applets recognize 

For the brave soul, try:


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