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mkttfdir is segfaulting on me

hello all,

mkttfdir is segfaulting on me.  i'm posting this before contacting the
package maintainer.

i think i recall reading a post that truetype fonts can't have internal
spaces in their names.  is this true?  could be caused by entries in
font.dir like:

suckgolf.ttf -misc-I suck at golf-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1

any ideas on why this might be segfaulting?  i'm not even slightly a perl
hacker; i know just enough perl to get by with some forms and cgi.  that's
it.  so i'm can't go poking around the program.   (but if someone gave me
instructions on how to debug, i know how to follow instructions...)

any tips would be welcome.  it keeps segfaulting on vixar.ttf.  that's the
last "v" font.  luckily, there's not much left in the directory unprocessed
except for wingdings...


Just upgraded to Woody?  Don't have permission to run X?             linux
In Xwrapper.config, change allowed_users from root to console.         -
------------------------------------------------------------------    ._.
To err is human, to forgive is divine.      p@belial.ucdavis.edu      /v\
To oink is porcine, to meow is feline.    http://www.dirac.org/p     // \\
------------------------------------------------------------------   ^^ ^^
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