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Re: How to verify TrueType fonts are working?

Rick Loga wrote:
> I have read many howto's and they are conflicting.  One says tt fonts are built-in, whatever that means, another says they come from the xfs server.  One says use ttmkfdir, another says mkttfdir works fine.  Currently there is a line referring to port 7100 before the list of font paths in my XF86Config-4 file.  I also have xfs running.  I also have the tt font path added to the list and I copied the tt fonts from my W95 widnows/font directory, made them all lower case and ran ttmkfdir to create a fonts.dir file.  Another howto says to create a fonts.scale file and sort it.  One doc says to use the binary in the tar file for ttmkfdir, another says to compile the source with certain options.  I probably have a mixture now that won't work.  My next attempt is to comment out the port 7100 line and stop xfs.  I think this is the "built-in" way.  If that don't work, I guess I'll create the fonts.scale file using a newly compiled ttmkfdir.

# apt-get install xfs xfstt

# vi /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:

	Section "Files"
	        FontPath        "unix/:7100" # xfs server
	        FontPath        "unix/:7101" # xfstt server

# cp /path/to/ttfs/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype
# /etc/init.d/xfstt restart

$ xset fp rehash
$ netscape &

You should now have a working xfstt TrueType Font Server.

-=|JP|=-                "Why, oh, why didn't I take the blue pill?"
Jon Pennington        | Atipa Linux Solutions   -o)
jpennington@atipa.com | http://www.atipa.com    /\\
Kansas City, MO, USA  | 816-595-3000 x1550     _\_V

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