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APOLOGY!!!! for my earlier posts about unsubscribing

Dear Debian list:

I recently, in unprecedented poor judgement, sent messages to the list about unsubscribing that were in extremely poor taste. I deeply and humbly apologize. I had been attempting to unsubscribe from the list for weeks. I had successfully unsubscribed from the GNOME, KDB, Yellowdog, and other lists, after subscribing for a few days to find out some things about LInux; but though I eventually sent several messages to the unsubscribe address for Debian, then sent mail to the address listed in the bottom for problems, and finally posted (politely) to the mailing list for help, I was still not contacted. This may be due to my filtering, although I had the same filtering set up for all those mailing lists and had no difficulties unsubscribing from them. I had become convinced that my messages WERE NOT reaching the list, and when I noticed again the 60-100 messages in my box, in frustration I fired off those unfortunate messages in a matter of seconds, thinking I was doing little more than talking to the wind. My god, had I thought they would arrive, with my signature and affiliations attached no less, I would never, never have sent them. In retrospect I certainly should have more carefully considered the possibility that in fact they might arrive despite how convinced I was to the contrary.

Moreover, I'm aware of the role Debian has played in bringing Linux into the mainstream of computing, and have great respect for them, and have no desire to demean the people at Debian or those that support and use it.

I hope you understand that I did not intend this, and hope that you will accept my humble apology for those messages.

Jim Kroger
James K. Kroger, Ph.D.
Center for the Study of Brain, Mind, and Behavior
Department of Psychology
3-N-4D Green Hall
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544-1010, USA
Tel: (609) 258-1291
Fax: (609) 258-1113

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