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Re: The apt sources.list

Tom Huckstep <tomhuckstep@bigfoot.com> wrote:
>I have the full set of 6 potato r0 CDs and my /etc/apt/sources.list
>file looks like this:
>deb-src cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 _Potato_ - Official Source-3
>(20000814)]/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
>deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r0 _Potato_ - Official i386 Binary-1
>(20000814)]/ unstable contrib main non-US/contrib non-US/main
>I have two queries about this:
>1) Why does it say unstable when I want the stable distribution.  On
>the CD stable, unstable and frozen are all symlinks to potato.  Can I
>safely change these entries to stable?

That's odd, as I'd expect apt-cdrom to add stable lines in preference to
unstable. You should be able to change all these over with no problems.

>2) How do I install the source code for a particular package?

Since you have deb-src lines above, 'apt-get source package-name'.

Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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