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Re: signing gpg key with old key ...

On Sat, Nov 11, 2000 at 02:01:35PM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> My understanding is that you *can* change the expiration date, though
> typically you wouldn't do so after the key had expired.  The change can
> be propogated through public keyservers.

the problem is most implemenatations thing the expiration cannot be
changed and won't integrate the change.  (proprietary PGP, SafeMail
etc all assume this)  im not even sure all the keyservers will accept
a expiration change.  

> Question for the gallery:  Is there a good method for checking a local
> keyring against a public keyserver to find updates and/or additional
> signatures.  The best I can do right now is list the key IDs I've got
> and do a 'gpg --recv-keys' to update this list.

i don't know of a quick way no.  there should be something like gpg
--refresh-keyring or something.

Ethan Benson

Attachment: pgp5Wdu3JKoYb.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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