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Re: apt-get strangeness

:-> "Michael" == Michael P Soulier <msoulier@storm.ca> writes:

    >     Ok, I'm confused. I'm trying to install the C++ compiler. 


    >     So what's going on? How do I get this thing installed?

Try using dselect: in the Access menu, select apt as your preferred
method, verify that the source list is correct and then go on
updating your packages lists and then selecting the compiler. This will
bring up some conflict dialogues that will try to explain you what's
I know, dselect is not easy to use at the beginning, and it may
look cumbersome, but apt-get used directly is even worse, when
something is broken.



 Pierfrancesco Caci | ik5pvx | mailto:p.caci@tin.it  -  http://gusp.dyndns.org
  Firenze - Italia  | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
     Linux penny 2.4.0-test10 #1 Wed Nov 8 22:58:01 CET 2000 i686 unknown

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