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Re: Newbie sound help


Many thanks for your help, I think I'm on the right track now.

I did notice that on my potato CD's there are some packages
called alsa* (Advanced Linux Soound Architecture?). For example,
alsa-base, alsaconf, alsautils. From the little I've read, they
seem to be backward compatible with OSS.

Is this so, and in that case, how does alsa fit in with your
excellent instructions? Is alsa ready yet, or is it still very
much a 'work-in-progress'?

Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> peter, step 1 is to figure out which driver you need.  
> here are various things you can do to that end:
> a. go to deja.com's power search and do a search on "linux 
> crystal sound" and see what turns up.
> b. go to /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound and do a 
> grep "Crystal" *.
> c. install the 4Front OSS demo, let it detect your soundcard.  
>    see what it says.  your crystal could be a repackaging of 
>    a more known chipset.
> once you figure out the driver, you may or may not need to 
> recompile the kernel.  if your sound card is "crystal.o", 
> then all you need to do is:
> locate crystal.o
> if it's there, you can modprobe -a /the/crystal.o/path/crystal.o 
> and place the module name in /etc/modules so it gets loaded at 
> boot.
> if it's not there, you can either compile the kernel or just 
> the module itself.
> btw, if you continue to have trouble, do look at 4front's OSS 
> sound driver. it's commercial, but is very cheap (like 10 or 
> 20 bucks).  they did an _excellent_ job, and are very good 
> about getting back to you within a few hours after emailing 
> them a question.  they provide a good service and are an 
> excellent example of how commercial products can exist in an 
> open source world.  i used them for a long time before figuring 
> out all this stuff on my own.  :)
> pete

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
"Linux - the choice of a GNU generation!"

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