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Re: 60 gig drive

nate@firetrail.com wrote:
> i'd be more concerned with the bios then linux, especially if you plan to
> boot off the disk. 
> does yer MB/bios support such a beast(if its ide?)

I'm not so sure that really matters anymore.  I've a 15 gig (well, actually
more like 14.5 gigs, but close enough) drive installed in this machine,
while the BIOS thinks it's an 8 gig disk.  I suppose I could just be getting
really lucky, but I just don't know.  I did have to add the lba32 line into
my lilo.conf to get everything working, so I'm thinking that it wasn't just
luck.  But I can't be 100% sure of that.

Uhh, let's see now.  Running woody, updated regularly.  LILO version is:
hal9000:~# lilo -V
LILO version 21.5-1 beta

The drive (from dmesg):
hda: WDC WD153AA-00BAA0, 14679MB w/2048kB Cache, CHS=1871/255/63, (U)DMA

So what's up with my box?  *Am* I just getting really lucky that this works? 
Am I likely to get bit in the ass by this some day?  Or is the new lilo
really that capable?
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
                      | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E            | for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV         | beginning of all unwisdom.

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