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Re: windows fixed on upper panel (cannot be moved or resized)

On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 05:59:25PM +0200, Ulrich Grün wrote:
> I have installed debian 2.2 with X_4.0.1 (the original X-server refused to
> connect because of some errno=111).
Which one ? (It dowsn't matter anymore, anyway ...)
> My problem is, that all the windows are fixed on the upper panel on the
> left-above corner (that is: the window title is not visible).
> I cannot resize the window, nor can I make a window come to lay on top by
> clicking with the mouse on that window (I have to use the icon on the lower
> panel)
> How can I change that, resulting in a freely movable window?
It looks like your window manager did not start when you started the X session.
If one of the 'fixed' window is an terminal emulator, type in the command
to start the window manager (sawmill&, sawfish&, or whatever you have) and
you will be able to move and iconize window, at least for current session.

To fix this permanently, you should do one of the folleoings:
a) Insert in the x startup file  the command to start the window manager.
   This file would be .xinitrc if you start X with 'startx' command,
   .xsession if you have a session manager ( xdm, wdm or gdm ).
b) Use a login manager which starts a window manager for you ( like
   wdm or gdm ).
c) Use a session manager which remembers what you started and starts it
   again (like gnome-session. With gnome, after you started  manually
   the window manager, you should logout ionce by selectiong the option
   'Save current setup', in the logout pop-up window ).

> Furthermore, I only have the SawFish windowmanager. 
Debian cames with many flavours of window-manager or desktop envirement
(KDE will be included in standard distro in the  next release, but you can 
find it somewhere in the Net also for the current one [see other posts in 
this mailing list])

Just use dselect or apt-get to install whichever you like better.

> Because I'm new to Debian, things are a bit more confusing to me.
Most of the above is not debian-specific, though other distros may make
things more easy for users not aware of what is going under the hood. 

Enjoy your Debian :-)

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