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Re: does the new edition have support for sis 530 video chipset

catherinemancuso  <catherinemancuso@home.net> writes:
CM> Does the new version have support for sis 530 video chipset

It looks like the XF86_SVGA server (xserver-svga package) has support
for this chipset.

CM> and would a winmodem work for wvdial or ppp

It's doubtful.  Keep in mind that a winmodem is basically a tiny
little bit of heavily nonstandardized hardware dependent on some
heavily proprietary software with arcane operating system demands that 
Windows happens to be able to fulfil; you're much better off trying to 
get a real modem.

CM> or cable modem for that matter?

My cable modem has an RJ45 jack on it, and connects to an ordinary
10base-T Ethernet card.  Linux supports lots of these, and there are
lots of options out there.

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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