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Re: preparing to install debian

Bob Edwards <redwards@arkansas.net> writes:
BE> (1) how do i configure debian for dsl ?

It depends on the sort of DSL modem you have.  I think there's a
generic sort that connects with an RJ45 patch cable to a normal
Ethernet card; in this case, the problem reduces to one of setting up
an Ethernet card (and possibly DHCP).

BE> (2) What do I have to do to get debian to recognize all three of my hard
BE> drives ?

Probably nothing, especially if all three are IDE.  You can use fdisk
or cfdisk to partition the other drives, mke2fs to create filesystems
on other partitions, and add those other filesystems to /etc/fstab.
Alternatively, you can leave those hard drives with FAT partitions
(assuming that's what they have now), and Linux can read those
directly, again with an appropriate line in /etc/fstab.

BE> (3) what do I have to do to be able to dual boot to either debian (yea)
BE> or windows 98 (boo!!) ?

You'd need to configure your boot loader appropriately.  LILO is the
most popular one; I use and like GRUB.  In either case, you'll kind of 
need to read the documentation.  This is a pretty common set-up, though.

BE> (4) what is this "potato" that I keep reading about?

"Potato" is the latest stable release of Debian GNU/Linux, also
sometimes known as Debian GNU/Linux 2.2.

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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