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Re: memory usage

the system will automatically allocate as much ram a sit can for
cache/buffers and will free it when the system needs it. netscape is
also a memory hog the more you use the more memory it uses. my netscape
is using 45MB of ram by itself right now its been running for about 13
hours. check out my free:
             total       used       free     shared    buffers    
Mem:        517084     419888      97196      63568     252488     
-/+ buffers/cache:      89544     427540
Swap:       377420       1088     376332

note 425MB of it is in buffers/cache.

my point is this is normal, the system is smart enough to allocate
memory on it's own just make sure you have enough swap, if your swapping
60megs that quickly id make sure i have at least 150MB of swap just


Mathew Johnston wrote:
> When I boot up, and launch, gdm, log in, it runs sawfish and I run licq,
> netscape, some xterms, etc. When I type 'free' I'm told that about 40mb
> ram is being used, and no swap.  Over the course of a day, this number
> grows to about 75 megs being used for the same stuff.  Before starting
> X, my box takes about 15mb ram, but if I simply log out of X, and do a
> free in console mode, it's using 40 mb without running X!  Top does not
> report any processes that have run away with a bunch of ram, and x is
> properly shut down... I want to know where my ram is going! Also,
> eventually swap space gets used.  After about a week of running, I'm
> using on avg 70mb ram and 60 mb swap all the time.  Maybe I'm missing
> something about these numbers? Maybe I actually have more available free
> memory than it's telling me? Could someone help me understand this?
>  Thank you :)
> Mathew Johnston
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