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memory usage

When I boot up, and launch, gdm, log in, it runs sawfish and I run licq,
netscape, some xterms, etc. When I type 'free' I'm told that about 40mb
ram is being used, and no swap.  Over the course of a day, this number
grows to about 75 megs being used for the same stuff.  Before starting
X, my box takes about 15mb ram, but if I simply log out of X, and do a
free in console mode, it's using 40 mb without running X!  Top does not
report any processes that have run away with a bunch of ram, and x is
properly shut down... I want to know where my ram is going! Also,
eventually swap space gets used.  After about a week of running, I'm
using on avg 70mb ram and 60 mb swap all the time.  Maybe I'm missing
something about these numbers? Maybe I actually have more available free
memory than it's telling me? Could someone help me understand this?
 Thank you :)

Mathew Johnston

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