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NIS trouble

Hello everyone,

I sent this question to the list Friday when the list was being flooded 
with multiple copies of each question.  Once I started noticing the
problem, I know I was much less careful about reading, and figure that I
was not alone.  To my knowledge there were no replies on Friday, and
since someone who may have been able to help me with this problem is
likely to have just deleted all messages posted on Friday, I'm asking
again.  Sorry for filling your (overfull) mailboxes with the same
question twice.  Here goes the question:

I'm having trouble with yppasswd in NIS.  The setup is this:  passwd, 
shadow, group, etc. files are in the /var/yp/ypfiles directory.  Of 
course there are corresponding files in /etc on the ypserver, but they 
do not contain all of the users in the /var/yp/ypfiles location.  In the 
makefile YPSRCDIR (sp?) and YPDIR are both set to /var/yp/ypfiles, so as 
I understand it NIS should not be looking in /etc at all.  

Anyone who is on the /var/yp/ypfiles list is able to log in to all of the
yp clients.  However, only those that are listed in the /etc files are
able to change their passwords using yppasswd.  Does anybody know how to
fix this?  I know that I could just use the /etc files for NIS and limit
access to the server, but I would like two different passwords to be
used, one for the NIS server and one for the NIS clients, for those who
are allowed access to both systems.



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