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Re: mutt -- in color

Here's my color section of my .muttrc:

# Color / video attribute definitions.

color  hdrdefault      green           black
color  header          brightyellow    black   "^from:"
mono   header          bold                    "^from:"
color  header          brightyellow    black   "^subject:"
mono   header          bold                    "^subject:"
color  header           brightcyan      black  "^to:"
color  header           brightcyan      black  "^date:"
color  header           brightcyan      black  "^x-mailer:"
color  quoted          green           black
color  signature       brightred       black
color  indicator       brightblue      brightgreen
color  error           brightred       black
mono   error           bold
color  status          brightgreen     brightblue
color  tree            brightmagenta   black
color  tilde           brightmagenta   black
# URL highlighting with the same regexp as urlview.
color  body            brightyellow    black (((ht|f)tps?)|mailto):(//)?[^\ "\t] *|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^\ .,;\t>">]
mono   body            bold (((ht|f)tps?)|mailto):(//)?[^\ "\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.] +)[^\ .,;\t>">]
color  body            brightmagenta   black "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
mono   body            bold "[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
color  body            brightyellow    black   "^Good signature"
mono   body            bold                    "^Good signature"
color  body            brightwhite     red     "^Bad signature from.*"
mono   body            bold                    "^Bad signature from.*"

* Will Trillich (will@serensoft.com) [000815 22:29] wrote:
> i've heard rumblings that mutt can be configured
> (via ~/.muttrc?) to hilite display items using color.
> anybody have a quickie sample to share, that does
> this kind of thing?
> -- 
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