Re: Cool trick: gmc and Debs writes:
> And that GNU Midnight Commander (aka mc
> aka gmc) had a similar functionality. This is a tool which, as I
> understand, was adapted from Novell's "Midnight Commander" file browsing
> utility.
It escapes me why you seem to be associating the GNU MC with Novell?
GNU MC, which i know and use since some five years, IMHO never had any
relations with Novell. It's look and feel were based on the "Norton
Commander" of DOS fame, but has surpassed it in functionality since
years now.
> It's a file manager on steroids, as a console tool.
The "Midnight Commander" console version for me is the most
imprescindible tool on any *NIX. The GNOME offspring is a far cry
from it regarding functionality. The console MC can be considered the
"Swiss Linux Army Chainsaw". ;-)
Cheers, P. *8^)
------------ Paul Seelig <> -------------
African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
Johannes Gutenberg-University - Forum 6 - 55099 Mainz/Germany
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