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Re: Debian i386 mirror

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira <baptista@linuxsolutions.com.br> writes:
>Hi all,
>I'm planning to make a mirror of debian i-386 (slink, potato,
>woody) at my lab and want to know to measure how big it will be and if
>someone could me provide an rsync line or mirror config file for

I only mirror the 386 portions of potato, US and non-US, and my
archive is about 2G.

I had a major problem setting up a potato mirror using any type of
ftp-mirroring utility (like "mirror"). When I first started there were
a lot of links in potato to slink and the ftp server on most of the
debian mirror sites refused to flatten these symbolic links. If I had
continued trying to use "mirror" I would've had to copy both potato
and slink, both binary-all and binary-i386, in order to have a
functional mirror. 

Instead I started using a http mirroring utility. I use w3mir but
there are quite a few around that will do the job. The advantage is
that there aren't any symbolic links and I can mirror just the
binary-i386 directory structure and not worry about.

I imagine most, if not all the links from potato to slink are gone
now, but if you, for example, wanted to mirror just woody I suspect
you'd be in the same situation, ie., having to ftp mirror both woody
and potato, with the binary-i386 and binary-all subdirectories. Plus
http has it's other advantages like still being easily accessible for
those of us behind firewalls.

Good luck,

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