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Re: telnet vs console

Rob wrote:
> What is your TERM setting on both sides?
> Are both sides Debian?
> rob helmer
> ( namodn )

i wondered at that, too. (i use telnet from my mac,
and it's got what appears to be full ansi/vt220 support
of color--plus as i said, i do get "ls" to generate
colors but many other programs yield monocrhome
output as if they're looking at a certain environmental

	% printenv TERM
	% set | grep prompt
	prompt  %{^O^[[%}44%{;37;1m%}%n%{: ^[[%}%{37;40m%}%~%{^[[0m%}%#
	prompt2 %R?
	prompt3 CORRECT>%R (y|n|e|a)?
[i use tcsh, as you can see]

the escape sequences built in to my prompt string is standard
vt100/vt220 \e[#;#m sequence for color settings, which work
fine in the command line prompt, and in vi (elvis) and in the output
of the "ls" command. but "mc" and "mcedit" use monochrome settings.

i saw somewhere in the voluminous documentation that a terminal
type  of 'linux' can be used for this&that; when i try that on
the telnet session, i get white text on a blue background
in mc, but the hi-bit character set is screwy--so rather than the
graphic character set for boxes like
| | (i cheated here, using plus, dash and bar)
instead i get umlauted cap-A and accented cap-U, odd double-quote
stuff and more:
? ?
so something somewhere is still amiss even with 'setenv TERM linux'
(well, that might be a setting in my local telnet client... hmm...).
but shouldn't a vt220 setting wake up all the ansi color capabilities
even in midnight commander?

the only difference in the ENVironment is
		TERM vt220
		TERM linux
		no 'REMOTEHOST', appropriately
the only difference from stty is

of course, even with 'setenv TERM linux' i still can't get ^Z
to suspend a foreground process via telnet...!

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