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Re: suid

On Sun, Jun 04, 2000 at 08:39:39AM -0500, adam.edgar wrote:
> In /etc/fstab you will see lines similar to this:
> /dev/hda2	/Windows	vfat	defaults	0 2
[snip correct info]

> user,auto. And you may need to give the user the right to rwx the mount
> point down. To do this on the above example, as root type the following
> command.
> 	chmod -R 777 /Windows
> This will give read write and execute priveleges to all users. 

no it won't, permissions on the mountpoint are *irrelevant* when you
mount a filesystem the permissions of the mounted filesystem's root
directory *replace* the permissions of the mountpoint, even when the
filesystem in question does not support permissions.  

what you need to do instead is override the default permissions the
kernel enforces for braindamaged filesystems like FAT:

mount -t vfat -o defaults,umask=002,gid=100 /dev/hda2 /windows

or in fstab:

/dev/hda2	/windows	vfat	defaults,umask=002,gid=100  0 2

what both of these do is cause all permissions to be 775 (rwxrwxr-x)
user root, group users.  

you could make everything world writable (bad idea) by changing umask
to 000 and dropping the gid= option (which would be irrelevant with
world writable files)

the mountpoint permissions should ALWAYS be 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) all
changing those does is allow users to write crap into your root
filesystem when the DOS filesystem is not mounted.

> If you want only certain normal users to have priveleges you will need to
> use chown to change ownership and then fiddle with chmod.

nope, chown/chmod do nothing on vfat/msdos filesystems but produce
`Operation not permitted' errors.  if you want permission support
enable umsdos filesystem support and mount it -t umsdos, then run
umssetup/umssync on the mountpoint. 

Ethan Benson

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