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Re: Is nextaw broken in woody ?

>>>>> "JC" == John Carline <jtc@stic.net> writes:
    JC>  I'm not sure that we're talking about the same problem, but
    JC> I've been having trouble getting the scroll bars I like with
    JC> potato (i.e. both up and down arrow next to each other at the
    JC> bottom of the scroll bar.) I've managed to get them on some
    JC> apps, but not all of them as I had in slink. I was under the
    JC> impression that nextaw was the package that produced that effect
    JC> in slink, but it doesn.t appear the same in either potato or
    JC> woody. I'm still hunting..

I had NeXt-style scrollbars (and other visual features) working just
fine on my system at home (woody) up until last night when things
changed after an "apt-get upgrade". On a potato system at work, things
are still fine.

I followed these steps to get NeXt-syle visual features on X-apps:

(1) apt-get install nextawg
(2) make /usr/X11R6/lib/neXtaw the first line in /etc/ld.so.conf
(3) make sure that the following line in /etc/X11/Xresources/nextaw is

      #define USE_NEXTAW_RESOURCES 1

For XEmacs, I had to compile (actually ./configure) Xemacs with the
following two flags:

  --with-scrollbars=athena --with-dialogs=athena

and XEmacs would use NeXt style scrollbars. However, since last night's
upgrade they aren't working.

Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

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