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Re: g++

Michiel Meeuwissen <M.Meeuwissen@stud.warande.ruu.nl> writes:

> I think there is something wrong with my g++ (using the latest version of
> frozen). 
> If I make a file only containing
> #include <iostream.h> 
> main(){}
> or 
> $include <iostream>
> then:
> ~$ g++ test.cpp
> test.cpp:1: iostream: No such file or directory
> But:
> ~$ g++ -I /usr/include/g++-3 test.cpp
> ~$
> I think it should work also without the -I option, since 'iostream' and STL
> etc are standard parts of C++, aren't they? And I am sure that it _did_ work
> without this -I option. 

the latest release of gcc does not currently support the latest C++-standard
with regard to its implementation of the standard C++-library.
See my other reply (subject "Re: C and C++ library docs")
> So my question is if this happens only on my system, and if so how do I
> solve it (i supposed that there would be some environment variable with the
> include path, but I don't seem to be able to find this information).

if you want to distribute programs, you probably don't want to use the new
features of libstdc++-v3, but instead the (portable) subset included
with gcc-2.95.2.
For the headers, you can create symlinks.

felix@home:~ > gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/egcs-2.91.60/specs
gcc version egcs-2.91.60 19981201 (egcs-1.1.1 release)

to find out where g++ puts its headers (in this case the prefix
is /usr, so the headers are in /usr/include/g++-version)

Felix Natter

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