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I wish to keep time synchronised by using my ISP's timeserver. This box
is a stand-alone one, and I connect using a modem.

After installing xntp3 and xntp3-doc packages, I find the docs far too
complex to fully understand, and the program aims for far greater
accuracy than I need.

/etc/ntp.conf allows for an xntpd logfile, a directory for ntpstats (loopstats,
peerstats and clockstats) and a driftfile. I have edited the file to include
the server (tick.xxxx.net).

When I run /usr/sbin/xntpd, I appear to connect and the program seems
to start, but I cannot tell from the log if it has been successful. (Before
starting, I ascertained from timeticker that the clock was out by some
52 secs).

/var/log/xntpd shows the following:-

20.19.55 xntpd [171] synchronized to <time server>, stratum =2
20.20.29 xntpd [171] time reset (stop) 33.461355 s
20.20.29 xntpd [171] synchronization lost

20.27.00 xntpd [171] synchronized to <time server>, stratum =3
20.30.13                  synchronization lost

20.32.20                  synchronizsed to <time server>, stratum =2
20.35.33                  synchronization lost

I can't understand the /var/log/ntpstats files (loopstats and peerstats)
as the columns seem not to relate to what /etc/ntp.conf suggests to
me they should. At the same time, one column which could refer to
time differences in seconds could indicate an attempt was made
to synchronize - the first entries 53.xxxxxxx, the next 0.xxxxxxx
and the last lot -1.xxxxxxx.

Are there any explanatory notes (preferably in simple terms) for the
contents of the ntpstat log files?  Can anyone offer any ideas as to
where I should go from here?

Grateful for any assistance,

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