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Upgrade to 500MHz and patching

At 21:16 16/04/00 +0100, you wrote:
Yes.  You need to get the sources for 2.2.14 (either download it
afresh or patch 2.2.12) and then patch to bring it up to 2.2.15pre9.
Then you build the kernel in whatever way you do usually (either use
Debian's system or build it conventionally, as you wish).

I'm now completely confused, and wonder if you can help further. My
earlier attempts at patching were unsuccessful, so I've devoted some
time to try to get somewhere this time.

Initially, I easily patched to 2.2.14 by using '# tar zxpvf kernel-source-
2.2.12.tar gz' (from /usr/src) to unpack and then applying each patch
by '# zcat patch-2.2.xx.gz | patch -p0'. There were no anomalies. ( I ran
'# find /usr/src/linux -follow -name "*.rej" -print' to confirm this).

For practice, I compiled 2.2.14 and everthing was fine.

I was puzzled, however, by the fact that the unpacking created the
directory /usr/src/linux instead of /usr/src/kernel-source-x.x.xx. I thought
the latter was correct for Debian. But since I had a kernel I could compile,
I continued. (My earlier unpackings gave me the kernel-source directories).

Trying to patch 2.2.15-1pre from /usr/src gave me an error message
'can't find file to patch at input line 4. ? wrong -p or --strip option ...' .
I used -p1 with the same result. I put the patch inside /usr/src/linux and
found that '# zcat pre-patch--2.2.15-1.gz' | patch -p1' worked. I don't
understand why this should work.

Should be plain sailing now I assumed. No, I cannot apply any
further pre-patches without many errors. The most common one being
'patching file e.g. 'CREDITS' reversed or previously applied patch
detected!. Assume -R? [n] ' .  I continued hitting <enter>, presumably
this accepted the default option offered, but it merely left a large number
of .rej entries.

In case I had downloaded a faulty pre-patch file, a downloaded again
and merely got the same error messages.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I've read everything I can find, but
nothing helps. At 70 and with no basic computer knowledge I find it
difficult to comprehend the import of some 'man' and 'info' pages. All
the textbooks I have give no examples which help and the error
message tend to be covered by saying 'make sure you have no errors
- if you do, fix them'.

I'd like to see if pre-patching will eradicate the shut-down problem, but
there is no hurry as I have the work-around of rebooting into W95. Getting
to understand more about patching now becomes more of a priority. (In
the final analysis I could always try a 2.3 kernel - I don't mind reinstalling
Slink should that become necessary).

Grateful if you or anyone can push me a little further in the right

Regards, John.

> By the way, there seems no BIOS upgrade to cover this problem, so
> that's not an option.

It could be this won't fix it either.  It may be something quite
different (memory isn't impossible, as someone else suggested).
However, it won't hurt to try this: it's a problem that seems to
affect quite a few Super-7 motherboards.

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