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Re: generating changelog files

>>>>> "r" == r3ck  <r3ck@home.com> writes:
    r>  There are several perl scripts that make cvs play nice with
    r> Debian.  cvs-buildpackage might do what you want.  You add a
    r> stanza to the changelog for each new release and it handles the
    r> rest.  Is that what you were after?

I briefly looked at the man page for cvs-buildpackage and it does a lot
of stuff! The only thing is that I am not interested in building debian
packages but maybe in building source tarballs. Can cvs-buildpackage
build source tarballs and manage the changelog generation ?

If not, are there any debianized tools/scripts that would do the same ?
What perl scripts were you talking about ?

A while back, I read on this list about some debian package(s) (wasn't
cvs-buildpackage) that helped in generating and managing changelog
files. But I can't recall the name of the package or track down the
thread in the list archives.


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

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