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Re: Installation problems

Quoting John Kiff (johnkiff@yahoo.com):
> I'm probably overlooking something really stupid, but I'm trying to install the frozen
> distribution on my PC. I think I've done everything in the dbootstrap procedures properly, until I
> get to "install operating system kernel and modules". At this point, I select harddisk as my
> medium (/dev/hda1) but it won't do anything when I try to give it the path. (I downloaded all of
> the (I think) appropriate installation files into C:DEBIAN in my DOS partition.) I type /debian
> into the path box, tab to OK, press "enter" and nothing happens! Have I missed something here, or
> have I run into a bug!

I put them into C:\ and the responses are:

Select Installation Medium: harddisk
Please select the partition where your Debian Archive resides: /dev/hda1
Please choose the path inside the harddisk where the Debian Archive resides:
Choose from a list of all Archive paths
Please select the directory that you will use to install ... from: /instmnt/

so I guess you need to add debian to lines 3 and 5.

The reason it failed is that / in front of debian. The C: drive has
to be mounted into the filesystem that your machine is running, and the
mount-point is /instmnt. So debian is a relative path, whereas you've
given it an absolute path.

> BTW, I think I found a bug in install.bat in the frozen distribution. The install.bat that I
> downloaded looks like this:
> dosutils\loadlin linux root=/dev/ram initrd=images-1.44/root.bin
> I couldn't even get this thing running until I edited out the reverences to the "dosutils" and
> "images-1.44" paths.

The archives have a path .../main/disks-i386/2.2.9-2000-03-30
which is the directory containing base2_2.tgz etc. This is
the level at which you should copy files to your dos partition
and from which you should run install.bat.

You'll notice that loadlin is under dosutils and root.bin is uder
images-1.44 (unless you're using the less frequent media variants).
You're expected to preserve the directory structure when you download
(making it easy to get the appropriate directories rather than the
whole lot which you don't need.


Email:  d.wright@open.ac.uk   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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