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Re: Oh no, not another AWE64 question

I have Awe64 and managed to get it to work. Here is how I did it:
1. isapnp it. WHen you run pnpdump, you'll get 2 files: isapnp.conf and
.gone file will tell you where NOT to put the card. Based on that
information, make hte .conf file appropriately.
I found that my card works perfectly without the Wave-table, so really all
you need to setup in isapnp.conf is the first card entry.
2. WHen this is done, compile kernel, and include everything you need as
modules. Soundcard <M>, OSS <M>, SB <M>, Opl3 synth. <M>, and low-level
driver Awe64 <M>.
Maybe I'm mising one or two, I'm doing this from memory.
3. make bzImage, make modules, make modules_install.
4. reboot.
5. Go to /usr/src/linux/modules, and 
lsmod to make sure you have no modules installed for sound.
modprobe sound
insmod uart401
insmod opl3
insmod sb param. from isapnp.conf

Also, you may need to go to /dev and 
./MAKEDEV audio
Then addgroup user audio.

This pretty much is it.

I realize this is a hard way to do this, but it works for me.

 Andrei S. Ivanov                  
 http://arhses.dyndns.org   -|
 http://scorpio.dynodns.net -|
 http://scorpio.myip.org    -|   <--All the pages bundled together.
 UIN 12402354

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