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Re: Time taken by a script

Ron is rights, but you can get an idea when you do
prepend the time command like: time script
It gives you a few stats.



At 06:19 AM 3/23/00 +0000, Debian Linux User wrote:
>Ron Rademaker wrote:
>> I've written a cgi script in perl an I would like to know how long
>> (exactly, 10th of second) it takes to execute the script, how can I do
>> this?
>> Ron
>> --
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>Since Perl is an interpreted language, there are no assurances as to how long it will
>take to run your script, because it highly dependent on how Perl "decides" to process
>your instructions. CGI scripts typically are under their own process anyhow, so it
>also depends on when the OS decides to schedule your script for execution. Since
>Linux is not a "Real Time" OS there are no assurances on either front. The point
>being that you can get a pretty good average (down to a tenth of a second) in
>testing, but execution time may widly vary under a heavy system load.
>Solution: Average time under a heavy load and feel comfortable with an average.
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