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Re: Time taken by a script

Ron Rademaker wrote:

> I've written a cgi script in perl an I would like to know how long
> (exactly, 10th of second) it takes to execute the script, how can I do
> this?
> Ron
> --
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Since Perl is an interpreted language, there are no assurances as to how long it will
take to run your script, because it highly dependent on how Perl "decides" to process
your instructions. CGI scripts typically are under their own process anyhow, so it
also depends on when the OS decides to schedule your script for execution. Since
Linux is not a "Real Time" OS there are no assurances on either front. The point
being that you can get a pretty good average (down to a tenth of a second) in
testing, but execution time may widly vary under a heavy system load.

Solution: Average time under a heavy load and feel comfortable with an average.


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