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Re: Making the "Windows" key work

On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Eric Hagglund wrote:
> Can someone explain (or point me to the correct
> documentation for) the procedure for making the
> Windows key pop up the start menu for the kde, fvwm or
> icewm desktops? 
To do something useful with the winkeys you must ensure that they are mapped to
some keysyms and make the app bind some action to the keysym. I don't know why
are you asking about IceWM, cause the winkeys are working in it ( the left is used 
for the start menu, the right for the window list). Is your keyboard set up
correctly in /etc/X11/XF86Config (like the section below)? 
Section "Keyboard"
   Protocol        "Standard"
   XkbRules        "xfree86"
   XkbModel        "pc104"
   XkbLayout       "us"
I don't use any of the Fvwm variants, maybe you can do something in the
conffiles ?  
As about KDE, it is fairly easy. You can try this :
Start up xkeycaps (an excellent program for editing keysyms); select the
104-key layout on startup; choose which one of the 2 winkeys do you want to
use for the start menu (I use left in this example); change its keysym from
Meta_L (the Meta_x is used in KDE for going to the application menu, so we must
choose a different one) to something unused, let's say Super_L; save the keymap
and exit xkeycaps (don't forget to rename the keymap file from
~/.xmodmap-hostname to ~/.xmodmap); go to K -> Settings -> Keys -> Global
keys; for 'Pop-up system menu' choose custom key, click on the key field an
press the left winkey; press Ok.  
That's all !

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