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Re: Fancy features of Storm Linux

On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 04:39:41PM +0000, Phillip Deackes generated a stream of 1s and 0s:

> As I said before, Storm in *much* better than Corel Linux from the
> Debian point of view as it appears to have broken nothing. You end up
> with a very easy-to-install Debian Slink system with a few Storm extras.

Was total nightmare to install for me, since it simply didn't let me do
what I wanted it to. I wanted to have my swap second or first partition,
nope, can't do that... etc. I think it's easy to install for someone who
doesn't need much flexibility/doesn't have performance considerations, or a newbie trying out GNU stuff. This could eventually grow into a nice desktop distro. I think they're aiming at interested Windows users who've heard enough Linux hype. Personally I am only interested in their apt front-end and administration system. The gimmicky loader and graphic set-up does enough to remind of Windows to new users and make them feel safer than the unfamiliar, scary and unknown bash prompt.

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