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Re: printcap help please

On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Steve Brown wrote:

steve >Sorry I can't try printing from Netscape or anything else. I have a 
steve >base system plus  lprng, magicfilter, and gs. That's it. As for 
steve >restarting lprng, 2 people have advised me to do that, but I'm new 
steve >enough to Unix/Linux/Debian that I need a specific command 
steve >spelled out.(didn't see anything about restart in the 
steve >documentation). I have rebooted, shouldn't that be enough? And as 
steve >for whether lprng is running, should I see "lprng" in the process list, 
steve >or what? I do know that lpd runs (which I thought was the spooler 
steve >that comes with lprng), because when I boot, I see it start. Also the 
steve >error message, if taken at face value, seems to mean that, indeed 
steve >the spooler is running, but doesn't like the printcap file(?) 
steve >Otherwise what process put out that message?

you can restart lprng by running /etc/init.d/lprng restart, rebooting
would reload it if you see it load, make sure the spool directories etc
exist.  since your runing slink as am i with a virtually identical
configuration the printcap should be fine. you may want to check
permissions on the spool directories as well just to test you could just
do chmod -R 777 /var/spool/printerdirectory/*  it is a security risk but
your system probably is not in much risk.

been so long since i set printing up i dont remember what all else to


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