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Re: Rationale behind the groups "dip" and "dialout"

John Hasler wrote:
> No.  Each user would have his own chatscript in /etc/chatscripts and his
> own provider file in /etc/ppp/peers, with names like
> /etc/chatscripts/viktors-ppp and /etc/ppp/peers/viktors-ppp.  The
> administrator would set these up using pppconfig in the normal fashion and
> then chown the chatscripts appropriately.  Viktor could then start up ppp
> with 'pon viktors-ppp' but when John ran the same command it would fail,
> and only Viktor and root would be able to read
> /etc/chatscripts/viktors-ppp.

I just realized, that Debian has the PPP infrastructure right in place
(dialing scripts etc.).  Up until now, I only read the through the
PPP-HOWTO and followed the procedures outlined there to create the
scripts myself.  Ah, well.
pppconfig is not mentioned in the HOWTO, so it's obviously something
Debian-specific.  (Looks like the slink instalation utility, too.)  I
gave it a try, and it works pretty well, although I had to modify the
created chatscript, since I have to start the PPP connection on the
server by issueing a command.

John Hasler wrote:
> It might also be possible to use chat's new environment variable and/or
> include capability to get a password from another file.

The expample dialing script in the PPP-HOWTO uses a environment variable
for the password, so it should be possible to enter something like `read
PASSWORD' in the script and have the chatscript use that.  Haven't tried
it though.

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail:		mailto:rosenfel@informatik.hu-berlin.de
HertzSCHLAG:	http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/hs/

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