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Re: C++ dev environment advice


I'm sorry not to be more prompt in my reply to this. 

Some have advised using the STL -- the Standard Template (not
'type') Library. That is sound advice. 

ANSI C++ Standard Document is the athority, but is expensive and
hard to understand unless you are a language lawyer, let alone
being hard to use. 

I like Budd's Data Structures with the STL form Addison Wesley
Longman to learn about these libraries. I taught CS 2 using c++ and
this book for several years. It works.  It is at a fairly low level,
that may be a problem if you are looking for a terse presentation.

I didn't have a copy here. So... I looked it up. This URL takes you
to AWL's computer science and engineering page where this book is
described, along with my syllabus I used when we class tested the


There is Glass and Schuchert, The STL <primer>, an IDG book, that
may help. It is almost telegraphic, as it is an extension of notes
from an industrial course they gave . ISBN 0-13-454976-7

Another book is Musser and Sahn, STL Tutorial and Refrence Guide,
ISBN 0-01-63398-1 Addison Wesley Longman. This is a deep careful
book. Not the place to learn about STL first.

Finally, there is the C++ Programmers Guide to the Standard Template
Library IDG books, ISBN 1-56884-314-3 This has a VERY PC/Windows
bent to it, but it also has a programmer's bent, and is less
textbookish than the Budd. If you can stand the loquacious writing,
it is pretty good. You mention youwant to port a bit of Java code to
C++ under Windows. This may be the place to learn about the STL. 

I hope this helps. Please let me know.


On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Michael Laing wrote:

> I have a small multithreaded java app that I need to convert to C++. I
> am an experienced C and java developer transitioning to C++.
> The initial target platform for this app is Windows 98, probably
> implemented as a driver.
> However, I would like to retain as much cross-platform capability as I
> can and I am most used to doing development in linux.
> The app needs good thread support (POSIX?) and a few classes like Vector
> and Hashtable, otherwise nothing much special.
> Does anyone have any advice for me? My company has a microsoft developer
> connection subscription so I can get any of that stuff, although I am
> unfamiliar with it.
> Michael Laing
> -- 
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