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Re: How to change size of page in postscript doc? (non-trivial question)

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 10:35:51AM +0100, E.L. Meijer Eric" wrote:
> > 
> > I've got a PostScript doc, which is incorrectly formated - the usable part
> > uses a small rectangle on each page (on each page the same, but not centered
> > on the page), and the margines are sometimes occupied by random writings, and
> > sometimes not. I have no sources, so I can't generate it correctly.
> > The psresize fails to handle it correctly - when enlarging, it moves part of
> > the usable area outside the page and leaves some rubbish on it :-(.
> > I need an utility, where I could specify not only the change of size, but also
> > the X and Y offset, by which the page should be shifted in the output.
> > Does anybody know such a beast?
> pstops can do things like that.  It requires very thorough study of the
> man page, and if the PS document is really shaky, your only option left
> is to learn postscript (it is a computer language, not just a format)
> and start debugging.  If you can do that, you will be highly esteemed
> in hacker circles (but probably have lost joy in life ;).

pstops did the trick, however one problem still remained - the rubbish
still exist even though it does not fit on the page. When I use the psbook and
psnup to get the smaller, printed booklet, rubbish from left page destroys the
right one :-(. Is it possible to force psnup to clip the joined pages?

			Wojciech Zabolotny

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