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Re: Unstable kernel question

On Tue, 8 Feb 2000, Rick Macdonald wrote:

rickma >I wonder if this is my problem? I just built 2.2.14 on potato, but it
rickma >fails to boot. It just hangs after saying "OK, boot kernel now". I built
rickma >it with 2.95. Maybe I'll see if the gcc272 package can co-exist with the
rickma >gcc (2.95) package. Then, one would need to tell the kernel make which
rickma >compiler to use.

yeah thats probably the problem..  if u figure out how to get them to co
exist lemme know compiling kernels is about the only thing keeping me from
upgrading my compiler.. i tried manual co existance with self installed
compilers and used links for cc, gcc g++ c++ to point to the real binaries
but it was a pain to do and i never remembered which one i had it set to.


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