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Re: Computer won't start

however unlikely did you try setting the date back before the year2000
? one of my friend's computers had a similar problem(although not as
severe) and when he set the clock back it was ok, i have a
486DX4-100(rather new ~1995) and sofar it hasnt experienced any problems.

have you done anything odd to your computer before this happened? besides
changing the date only thing i can think of is keep swapping things till
it works..not more more anyone can do then that:)


On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Bart Szyszka wrote:

barts >Hi,
barts >
barts >I've been having problems in both Debian and Windows,
barts >so I'm not sure which one could be causing this (probably
barts >Windows?), but when I turn on my computer right now, it
barts >doesn't start. I get absolutely nothing on my screen except
barts >the default thing that shows up on the monitor if the computer
barts >is turned off and on the older monitor I tried it with it's
barts >just a blank blank space. I hear a little ticking like it's 
barts >doing something, but that doesn't last long because when I
barts >put a boot disk in it doesn't go far enough to be trying to
barts >boot of the harddrive/floppy/cdrom. I've tried replacing the
barts >graphics card with a different one so it doesn't look like that's
barts >the problem. My guess is that this is a BIOS problem. Any ideas?
barts >Could a (Windows?) virus have caused this? Is the bios (I have
barts >an AMIBIOS in that computer) replacable? Easily? Inexpenssively?
barts >I'd appreciate some help with this. I'm using a very old computer
barts >right now with a 486 that can barely handle this telnet prompt
barts >in Win95 (I install Debian off the harddrive and don't have
barts >anything downloaded for it in this computer for me to be able to
barts >set it up easily), BTW. I'd appreciate some advice (in private
barts >since this might not be specific to Debian?).
barts >
barts >- Bart
barts >
barts >
barts >-- 
barts >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
barts >

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